Friday, February 21, 2014


What is the Major Dramatic Question in Judith? I think that the MDQ is, "Will Judith be loved?" Another possible MDQ is, "will Judith get the respect/power she thinks she deserves?" I think it could be either one of these questions because they are both yes/no questions. And also, this would explain Judith's actions after the general is dead. It would explain why she attempts to have sex with a corpse and then why she makes her servant worship her. I think the answer to both of these questions is yes because we see the servant worship her for "what she will be" and there is a foreshadowing that she will mean something great to Israel.

1 comment:

  1. Good MDQ. I think I like the "Will Judith be loved?" question more because thats a question I was trying to figure out while reading the play. I think that she longed for love and was surrounded by an event she didn't want to truly partake it. It was a struggle with emotions and duty.
